At APKBiBi, we are committed to safeguarding intellectual property rights and complying with the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA). If you believe that any content available on our platform infringes upon your copyright, you may submit a notification of claimed infringement to our designated copyright agent.
To ensure that your DMCA notice is valid, please include the following information:
- A physical or electronic signature of the individual authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
- A detailed description of the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed.
- Clear identification of the allegedly infringing material, along with its exact location on APKBiBi’s platform.
- Your contact details, including your full name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address.
- A statement affirming your good faith belief that the use of the material in question is unauthorized by the copyright owner, their representative, or applicable law.
- A declaration, made under penalty of perjury, that the information you have provided is accurate and that you are either the copyright owner or authorized to act on their behalf.
Please direct your DMCA notice to our copyright team via email at [email protected].
APKBiBi takes allegations of copyright infringement seriously and will respond promptly to valid DMCA notices by removing or restricting access to the infringing material. Additionally, we reserve the right to terminate accounts or block access for users who are found to repeatedly violate copyright laws.
Please note: Submitting a false or misleading DMCA notice may result in legal consequences, including monetary damages, court costs, and attorney fees, as outlined under federal law.
Thank you for helping us maintain a fair and lawful online environment. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.